
Aggarwal, Nikita / Eidenmüller, Horst / Enriques, Luca / Payne, Jennifer / Zwieten, Kristin van
Autonomous Systems and the Law
C.H. Beck
1. Aufl. 2019 / 106 S.

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Reihe: Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart - Nomos

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) research and data-driven technologies stand to significantly transform the law: the values embodied in law, the way law performs its societal functions, and the practice of law. This volume brings together expert views on the challenges and opportunities that ?autonomous systems' pose for the law. The contributions are organized under three broad themes: (1) Smart contracts and dispute resolution; (2) FinTech and LegalTech; and (3) Data control and cybersecurity. This volume should be of interest to scholars, practitioners, policy-makers and technologists interested in the profound legal and policy questions raised by AI and the proliferation of data-driven technologies in today's world.