
Papendorf, Knut / Machura, Stefan / Hellum, Anne (Hrsg.)
Eugen Ehrlich's Sociology of Law
Lit Verlag
1. Aufl. 2014 / 200 S.

39,90 €

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Reihe: Gesellschaft und Recht. Band: 8

The work of Eugen Ehrlich (1862 - 1922) is immediately relevant for an understanding of law in society and of the role of Sociology of Law for both, Law and Social Sciences. Today, it is possible to see behind the smokescreen of historical debates and to assess his key ideas in the light of today's problems. The coexistence of state and local law still challenges lawyers and decision-makers. Ehrlich suggests Sociology of Law as an instrument to address social and legal problems that supplements standard legal methodology. Articles in this book place Eugen Ehrlich in the context of his times; outline the international reception of his work and show the relevance of his thoughts for contemporary issues.