
ab 178,69 €

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Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

Bezugspreis für 2024 jährlich 529,65 €

Einzelheft für 2024 jährlich 178,69 €

Kündigung: 6 Wochen vor Ende des Bezugszeitraums

The phenomenon of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) reflects one of the most important legal developments in the European Union. Public private partnerships have been described as an essential legal instrument for the delivery of public services and as the most innovative interface between the public and the private sectors. Such relations aim at delivering infrastructure projects, as well as many other schemes in areas covering transport, public health, education, public safety, waste management and water distribution. - The European Public Private Partnership Law Review is an international quarterly journal that provides the reader with detailed coverage of all significant developments in the PPP area across the European Union and beyond. Leading authorities from private practice and academia will report on EU Member States' legal and policy developments and new approaches to PPP delivery across the world.