
European State Aid Law Quarterly. EStAL



Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

Bezugspreis für 2024 jährlich 684,80 €

Kündigung: 6 Wochen vor Ende des Bezugszeitraums

EStAL was established in 2002 as the first pan-European publication for State aid law and is still recognized as the leading journal in its field today. EStAL’s successful philosophy is to serve as a forum for open dialogue and reflection on State aid law and policy for and between academics, judges, Commission and Member States officials and private practitioners. This philosophy shows in the composition of the editorial board and translates to the selection of authors and commentators and EStAL’s circle of readers in particular. EStAL im Abo auf Pressekatalog accordingly offers a balanced mix of high-quality legal analysis, concise information and pointed opinion pieces on State aid law and policy from diverse backgrounds to the benefit of all those dealing with State aid issues on a regular basis. EStAL provides you quarterly with a review of around 100 pages, containing articles, case studies, jurisdiction of both European and national courts as well as communications from the European Commission.