
Pünder, Hermann / Prieß, Hans-Joachim / Arrowsmith, Sue (Hrsg.)
Self-Cleaning in Public Procurement Law
Carl Heymanns
1. Aufl. 2009 / 212 S.

88,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

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Reihe: Schriftenreihe der Bucerius Law School. Band: 19

Government contracts are crucial for many companies. Considering the fiscal packages and other economic stimulus measures being announced by governments world-wide, such contracts will become even more significant in the near future. In some sectors of the economy, such as defence, energy and healthcare, the government is by far one of the biggest economic players. Accordingly, it is of enormous economic importance for companies to participate as bidders in public procurement procedures. Any exclusion from procurement procedures can cause the loss of jobs, know-how, and sometimes even the insolvency of a company. Companies are therefore generally guaranteed market access and the right to participate in public tender procedures. This right to participate in procurement procedures generates a level-playing field in the supplier’s market and is also important for public bodies - only strong competition guarantees reasonable prices for the purchase of goods and services, thereby contributing to an effective use of taxpayers’ money.